IJSO Executive Committee (EC) Members

E.H.M.H. Emiel de Kleijn (Netherlands)
National Coordinator Olympiads Netherlands (EUSO, IGeo, IBO, IChO, IJSO, IPhO, IOI, IMO)
Netherlands Team Leader IChO, EUSO, IJSO
Curriculum Developer Sciences, Secundairy Education
SLO, Netherlands National Institute for Curriculum Development
P.O. Box 2041, 7500 CA Enschede (Netherlands)
Visiting address : Piet Heinstraat 12, 7511 JE Enschede (Netherlands)
T (Office): +31 53 4840307; E: e.dekleijn@slo.nl

Vice President (Africa)
Thandie Lekone
Lecturer of Physics and Chemistry at Kanye SDA School of Nursing
Curriculum Developer-Physics -BGCSE, BTEP
Selection and Training Programme Coordinator of Junior Science Olympiad,
Treasurer - Botswana Science Association
Botswana team leader -Physics, IJSO
P O Box 401567 Gaborone ,Botswana
Tel :+2675441070(W) ,+2673908079(H)

Vice President (America) (2023~)
Elena Losada Falk
M.Sc. Medical physicist from the University of Heidelberg IJSO 2022 Chairwoman Director of Colombian Olympiads of Science, Biology, and Physics. Universidad Antonio Narino cll 58a # 37 -94 111321, Bogota DC, Colombia Email: olimpiada.ciencias@uan.edu.co administrador.olimpiadas@uan.edu.co Tel: (57 1) 221 4135

Vice President (Asia) (2023~)
Abdallah El Marhoune
Skills Development-Specialist at Care & capacity building Sector -
Ministry of Education UAE
National Coordinator Olympiads UAE

Dr. Kwok-Tung Lu Ph.D. (Chinese Taipei)
Professor, Department of Life Science
National Taiwan Normal University, Chinese Taipei
Animal Physiologist & Neuroscientist.
Science committee of IJSO 2007
Co-chairman of Science committee of IBO 2011.

Treasurer (2023~)
Dr Budhy Kurniawan (Indonesia)
Associate Professor, Head of Master and Doctoral Degree of Materials Science, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Indonesian Team Leader IPhO and IJSO.